

Our Thoughts For You.

Q&A of the Week June 5, 2024


I am a U.S. citizen but live and work outside the U.S. When is my 2023 income tax return due?


If you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien who lives or works outside of the U.S. (including individuals with dual citizenship), you have until June 17, 2024, to submit your 2023 income tax return - and pay any amount owed. 

To qualify for this extension, you must include a statement with your tax return about which of the following statements applies to your situation:

  • You live outside the U.S. or Puerto Rico, and your main place of business is outside of the U.S. or Puerto Rico

  • You serve in the military outside the U.S. or Puerto Rico on the regular due date for your tax return

If you cannot file your tax return by June 17, 2024, you can complete Form 4868 to request a 6-month extension.

Please consult with a tax professional if you have any questions.